Anti-Climb Temporary Fence Gate Kit-Single Swing-Double Swing

Dependable Entry Security for Construction Fencing and Short-Term Security

When it comes to short-term security—fences for construction zones, concert security, etc.—you need dependable strength and resilience at every point. This means having a reliable entrance that dictates who can and cannot gain entry. Fortunately, we have the answer to your predicament: gates for temporary fences. This kit contains all the parts necessary to assemble a chain link gate.

Clients who use these barriers include:

  • Construction zones
  • Concerts
  • Festivals
  • Car shows
  • Golf tournaments
  • Security contractors

Why are temporary fence gates important?

In addition to keeping out intruders, construction companies need a secure entrance method. Said method provides an easy access method for workers and related third-party teams but also provides a deterrence to those without authorization. To satisfy these needs, our temporary chain link gate kits include a latch.

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